Surya Ashtottara Shatnamavali Stotram

Ashtottara Shatnaam means 108 names, Surya Ashtottara Shatnaam has 108 names of Sun. The miraculous Surya Ashtottara Shatanaam is from the Mahabharat, Vana Parva. This stotra is disclosed to Pandu's son Yudhishthir by Daumya. In this blog we are sharing the stotra and few benefits to motivate.

Surya Naam Stotra by Lord Brahma

The surya naam stotra glorifies the God Sun by various names. Lord Sun is the God who is worshipped in every religion or cult. Since the vedic times Aditya is God who has 12 forms. Vedic God Aditya is Sun. This stotra is by Lord Brahma (the creator) mentioned in the sacred scriptures purana. He has described the sun stotra to Rishi Yagyavalkya (Yajnavalkya). Blog contains the stotra and its benefits.

32 Names of Goddess Durga

‘Shri Durga Dwatrinsha Naamamala Stotra’ is a powerful Durga Mantra chant. The Stotra is the graceful chanting of 32 names of Goddess Durga. The vibrations of the stotra creates powerful protection around, divine vibes and positive aura. Here the stotra is given in sanskrit with easy reading and meaning.

Aditya Hrudayam Stotram – The Sacred Prayer Of Sun God

In the vedic culture the Gods of nature are worshipped, like Vasus (deity of elements: agni, jal, vayu and more), rudra, ashwini kumar and Aditya. Aditya means the son of devi aditi and this stotra pleases the Lord's heart and hence called Aditya Hrudayam Stotram. In hinduism or any other culture sages always worship the Lord Sun as the presiding deity. In one of the oldest text, vedas (Rigveda) the mantras and stotras are there to worship the Surya Dev. This blog gives aditya hrudayam stotra is sanskrit and english with meaning and explanation.

Basant Panchami & Saraswati Puja

Basant Panchami festival is of special importance in Hinduism. The day is of worshipping Goddess Saraswati and also called the day of Saraswati Puja. It is also the mark of spring. This blog includes the details of festival celebrations, the colour associated, manifestation of Goddess Saraswati, meaning of the symbols, method of Saraswati Puja, the mantra and more.

Kreem – The beej mantra of Kali

Kreem is the ekakshari bija mantra associated with Hindu Goddess Kali. Ekakshari mantra means the one word mantra or single syllable mantra. And this ekakshari beej mantra associates with Devi kali. The one who represents the death, time and darkness (end of darkness). She has no beginning and no end. She is the boundless, infinite and free. It is the shakti mantra and the beeja mantra which in itself is the powerful mantra of Devi Kali. The blog gives the complete insight about the Kreem Mantra.

Understanding Hanuman Chalisa – Chaupai 6 to 10

Hanuman Chalisa is the most popular stotra of Lord Hanuman which devotees sing, chant and recite. It is like the protection guard. When fears & insecurities wrap us, when negative energies haunt, when we feel alone and need strength Hanuman chalisa is the saviour. In the series of understanding the Hanuman Chalisa we are covering from chaupai 6 to 10 in this blog. It is composed by His Devotee Tulasidas around 400 years ago in awadhi language. Understanding the meaning of Hanuman chalisa will intensify the prayer. So lets find out the meaning.

Lord Ganesha – The Aadya Daivat

Lord Ganesha, one of the most beloved God amongst Indian Mythology. Lord Ganesha, being the Lord of 14 vidya and 64 kala, is also famous as aadya daivat, i.e. the first Lord. The story of being aadya daivat, very much lies in the birth story of Lord Ganesha.

Navratri – Celebrating Nav Durga

Navratri, one of the important, sacred and colorful festival in Hindu Religion. Navratri worships Goddess Durga as Nav Durga. Moreover festival is about knowing and praying various forms of Goddess which are the epitomes of power. These feminine aspects have the ability to bring in anything desired.

33 Crores Gods or 33 Vedic Gods?

In particular Vedic Gods are the deities of the vedic times and different from the deities popular in modern times. You might have heard that there are 33 crores Gods in Hinduism. The reason behind is that scriptures used the term 33 Koti Gods and Goddesses.

The nine devotions – navdha bhakti

Bhakti or devotion is the path of love. Any process out of these can lead to the ultimate. It is the path of joy, tears, emotions, feelings and surrendering. The urge of being one with beloved is the ultimate reward in itself. Indeed lucky ones are those who have this urge for Lord!

Lord Vishnu – Preserver of the Universe

The preserver of the universe, Lord Vishnu is the nurture and care taker. He maintains the dharma and unburdens the earth time to time by incarnations. Many Hindu texts like Ramayan, Gita, Puranas sings the glory of Lord Vishnu. His appearance has a significant place, the weapons, his four arms, the abode everything indicates to something special. Curious to Know....

Offering Water To Sun God – Surya Arghya

Hinduism is based on science, faith and love. Our ancient sages have discovered the facts, logics and benefits of many things, which propagated as beliefs and rituals. Each ritual has great significance based on scientific logic. We, so called modern man may or may not be able to find the logics of all but that... Continue Reading →

Dus Mahavidyas – 10 aspects of Goddess

Mahavidyas are the esoteric form of Shakti. Tantra reveals their mysterious, powerful and true form. Each aspect of 10 mahavidya breaks societal norms and shows powers of women over men to convey no one should be differentiated on the basis of gender or looks. Denying the social norms mahavidyas represent the form of Shakti. She is warrior, protector, epitome of beauty, giver of all comforts, nurturer and giver of salvation.

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